Jason Bond Small Account Journey Review
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>>You can purchase Jason’s Small Account Journey HERE<<
In the world of stock trading, having a large account balance can give traders a significant advantage, as it provides them with more buying power and allows them to make larger trades.
However, for traders with smaller accounts, the challenge is to grow their accounts and increase their buying power over time.
This is where Jason Bond’s Small Account Journey comes in.
Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move
He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…
He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…
Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.
And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.
Can Jason Bond REALLY turn $2k into $100k or even $50k? You might be shocked to see his results so far….
You can view some of his trading results here.
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I hope that these will help you!
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Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.
2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!
(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)
Who is Jason Bond?
Jason Bond is a well-known trader, entrepreneur, and educator in the stock market industry.
He started his trading journey with a small account and has since grown his account into a multi-million dollar portfolio through hard work, discipline, and smart trading strategies.
He is the founder and CEO of Jason Bond Picks and Raging Bull, which offers a variety of trading services and educational materials to help traders of all levels improve their skills and achieve success in the stock market.
Jason Bond is also a popular speaker, author, and mentor, who is known for his engaging and informative approach to teaching trading strategies.
Similar Services to SAJ
You can check out the SPX 0-dte alerts, futures/options spreads and cash secured puts that Lance alerts for a 7-day trial HERE.
Jeff Bishop (Jason’s co-founder of Raging Bull) also has a good service called Wall St Bookie (my review).
It’s a very similar trading style to Jason Bond’s Small Account Journey.
What is Jason Bond’s Small Account Journey? Overview
Jason Bond takes $2,000, puts it all into one trade and whatever is left after that trade goes into the next trade.
He does a bull put which is a neutral to bullish strategy on earnings winners with good guidance. Learning how to do a put credit spread will help you understand how time decay impacts the trader buying puts.
His goal here is to turn $2,000 into $50,000.
You can view some of his trading results here.
Jason has a SAJ chat room for subscribers to chat about the trades in.
He is also in the chatroom regularly.
Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move
He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…
He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…
Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.
And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.
What is Jason Bond’s Small Account Journey: Results
Challenges 1-3: Refining the SAJ Strategy
At the time of writing this review there has been 2 Small Account Journeys. Both have started amazingly only to be blown on a single failed trade!
Boom and Bust trading at it’s finest…..I have so much respect for Jason Bond’s trading, but he really needs to take out his profits sooner!
Here is the first quarter of 2023 Challenge 1.
It was amazing to watch his first nine trades in this challenge and he quickly grew his $2000 account by 319%! However, one bad trade was all it took to destroy this account.
Honestly, he was being far too aggressive with it in my opinion.
However, you could argue that you HAVE to be this aggressive if you hope to make significant money from just $2000 capital.
Was it perfectly managed? Nope. But I can see what he is trying to do. So, when he launched a second Small Account Journey, I figured he would have learned from that first one and be a little less aggressive.
Here is the second Small Account Journey of 2023.
Amazing, right?
Jason has grown the second small account by 200% in just 6 trades.
However, that last trade is open and at a BIG loss. So, it looks like this will be yet another boom and then bust scenario.
Challenge A: $2k to $30k (as of 8/1/23)
Jason made many improvements to his strategy after the first 3 journey’s blew up. It was pretty amazing to see him improve over the year.
It has paid off – big time!
Small Account Journey A: Started April 24th 2023
As of 8/1/23 Jason’s Small Account Journey ‘A’ has taken $2k and turned it into $30k.
Which is amazing!
Here is an interview I did with Jason recently to discuss the changes etc. It’s a good review of his strategy, mindset and how he has been able to make these fantastic trades…..
It was recorded when the SAJ ‘A’ account was at $25k from the $2k starting point.
Pretty cool, right?
There are currently 2 other journeys (B&C) underway and they are also KILLING IT.
However, Jason won’t promise you the same results but he does seem to promise to work his BUTT off to teach you the exact same strategies he’s been using month after month to scrape and claw his way to the goal of turning $2k into $100k.
Click here to see the most recent SAJ results!
Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move
He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…
He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…
Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.
And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.
Jason Bond Bull Put Strategy
While I can’t divulge ALL the details of the strategy, I can give a rough outline of the options trading strategy Jason Bond is using.
It’s a Bull Put strategy.
The Bull Put strategy is an ‘advanced’ options spread trading strategy that involves selling put options on a stock (and buying a different one) with the hope that the stock will either rise in price or remain stable.
You can learn more about selling options spreads in this free guide that my friend Lance and I at ThetaTraderz.com put together.
When a trader sells a put option, they are essentially agreeing to buy the underlying stock at a predetermined price (known as the strike price) if the stock falls below that price by the expiration date of the option.
For example, let’s say that a trader sells a put option with a strike price of $50 on a stock that is currently trading at $60. If the stock price remains above $50 by the expiration date of the option, the trader keeps the premium that they received for selling the put option.
However, if the stock price falls below $50, the trader will be obligated to buy the stock at $50, regardless of how low the stock price may fall.
The Bull Put strategy can be a profitable strategy in a bullish market, as long as the trader selects the right stock and strike price for their put options. Jason Bond is a proponent of the Bull Put strategy and often uses it in his own trading.
He emphasizes the importance of selecting the right stocks to trade and the importance of risk management in options trading.
Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move
He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…
He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…
Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.
And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.
What is Jason Bond’s Small Account Journey: Conclusions
I love the idea of the Small Account Journey. I’ve seen Jason do extremely well in 2023 with huge gains over multiple small accounts.
If the subscriber or Jason can keep the occasional loss in check – I suspect that there is the strong possibility of some serious profits to be made trading this strategy.
>>You can purchase Jason’s Small Account Journey HERE<<
The high probability of success on each trade is exciting.
My friend Lance does these types of spread but he is more conservative. This means that while Lance doesn’t make as big % gains on each trade, he does make consistent small profits that are sustainable over a longer time-period.
You can check out the SPX 0-dte alerts, futures/options spreads and cash secured puts that Lance alerts for a 7-day trial HERE.
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