Nate Bear Daily Profits Live Review
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Limited Time Deal to Purchase Nate Bear’s Profit Surge Trader ASAP HERE
You can also watch a full interview with Nathan Bear discussing the Profit Surge Trader system here.
Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move
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He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…
He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…
Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.
And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.
Welcome to my Nate Bear Daily Profits Live Review!
You can purchase Nate’s Daily Profit Live (DPL) HERE.
In this article you will find an interview I did with Nate about his services, a full review of his trades and an overview of his rise to success in the trading world!
I deep dive into what you get with Nate Bear Daily Profits Live service and hopefully you can use the information to guide your decision if the service is right for you.
***Nate Bear Profit Surge Trader: AMAZING SERVICE!***
I also LOVE Nates Profit Surge Trader which is his much less intense weekly trade alerts service! It’s like Daily Profits Live but only ONCE a week on the Monday.
Many people start with the Profit Surge Trader service because its less costly and a great introduction to Nate’s trading style. You get 2-3 amazingly profitable trades per week.
Free Resources
I test and review alerts services full-time and you can keep updated on what I’m on my social media…
- My YouTube channel where I post reviews.
- My Facebook group where we discuss alerts services.
I hope that these will help you!
If you are looking for my top 5 trade alerts services click here!
Nate Bear Turned $37K Into $2.7 Million in Trading Profits in Just Four Years…This is Why Daily Profit Live is WORTH IT!!!
Look Over Nate Bear’s Shoulder LIVE as We Seek to Build ANOTHER Million-Dollar Portfolio Together!
Nate Bear Daily Profits Live Review: Who is Nate Bear?
Nate Bear, is a multimillionaire professional trader and wants to emphasize that he is just an ordinary individual.
He lacks a Wall Street background, has never traded on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and has not managed a hedge fund or held a vice president position at a bank or any similar role.
I had the pleasure of sitting down and interviewing Nate Bear and I can confirm he is just a normal guy! Check out the rest of my YouTube channel reviewing alerts services here!

However, in 2016…
With several new mouths to feed, all living in a small, 1,200-square-foot house…
Nate decided he needed more to provide for his family.
More than that… he needed extra money to ENJOY life with his family.
Because Nate believes achieving wealth is achieving freedom.
So… Nate started trading to make extra income.
In the initial stages, Nate’s performance was subpar, marked by common mistakes that many people, possibly including some of you guys, might recognize.
The pursuit of substantial gains led to setbacks…
Nate’s trading account experienced multiple significant losses, prompting occasional reprimands from his spouse.
And truth be told, his wife was correct.
In fact, Nate was on the brink of abandoning his trading goals.
However, a turning point occurred. Life is full of surprises!
The discovery of an extraordinary and unconventional trading method became a transformative force in Nate’s life.
***Nate Bear Profit Surge Trader: AMAZING SERVICE!***
I also LOVE Nates Profit Surge Trader which is his much less intense weekly trade alerts service! It’s like Daily Profits Live but only ONCE a week on the Monday.
Many people start with the Profit Surge Trader service because its less costly and a great introduction to Nate’s trading style. You get 2-3 amazingly profitable trades per week.
The development of Nate Bear’s Daily Profit Live system!!!
You can purchase Nate’s Daily Profit Live system (DPL) HERE.
I also LOVE Nates Profit Surge Trader which is his much less intense weekly trade alerts service! Many people start with the Profit Surge Trader service because it’s less costly and a great introduction to Nate’s trading style.
The turning point came when Nate found an uncomplicated approach that he could apply it effortlessly in any situation.
The profits started rolling in! For example, Nate managed to secure a remarkable 111% win in just a few minutes while waiting in line to pick up his kids at school!
And as time passed, the trading profits were extraordinary. Nate managed to transform his initial $37,000 into over $1MM! Which is crazy!
Then, in the 4th year… Nate Bear managed to make another $1.4 million in profits…Yup, Nate Bear has made $2.7MM trading his system in 4 years.
Nate has endeavored to present ample evidence demonstrating the efficacy of his strategy.This has included brokerage account screenshots and tax returns as well as being verified by various companies he has worked for.
Monument Traders Alliance (the company behind Profit Surge Trader and Daily Profits Live) put Nate through the ringer in verifying these claims.
They scoured through pages and pages of brokerage accounts… and scrutinized every transaction.At one point, they had five different people going through it…They made sure that Nate really took $37,000…Grew it to over $1 million…Here are some screenshots of his brokerage account and his tax returns.
Of course, anything can be faked but I’ve spoken to enough people that know Nate to know he is the real deal.

Nate Bear Daily Profit Live Review: TPS Strategy
Nate’s strategy is as simple as three letters…If you know those three letters… you can spot these breakout opportunities.

Let’s start with this chart…
It’s Tesla.
And no, the “T” doesn’t stand for Tesla…

T: The first part of the system is to find the TREND
Basically… we don’t want to try to fight the direction a stock is going.
Now… keep it simple.
Nate isn’t trying to draw trend lines or channels or anything like that.
It’s just whether the stock… as it’s going from left to right… is heading up…
Or down.
In the case of Tesla…
It’s going up.
For now, that’s all we need to know when it comes to “T”…for TREND!

Whether the stock is heading up or down over the last few weeks.
The next letter is “P.”
P: Find the PATTERN

This is about the pattern.
The core of the system is built on the understanding that stocks don’t just go straight up.
Stocks move up in steps.
First… the stock will go up.
Then it’ll consolidate and trade flat for a bit.
Then it’ll shoot up again.
So… that’s what you look for.
You look for the “rest” period in a stock’s price – that’s the pattern.
***Nate Bear Profit Surge Trader: AMAZING SERVICE!***
I also LOVE Nates Profit Surge Trader which is his much less intense weekly trade alerts service! It’s like Daily Profits Live but only ONCE a week on the Monday.
Many people start with the Profit Surge Trader service because its less costly and a great introduction to Nate’s trading style. You get 2-3 amazingly profitable trades per week.
You can see right here… the stock has gone up…Then it hovers around for a bit…Then it goes up again.Sound simple?
That’s why it’s so powerful.
I am not a fan of big, complicated systems. I find that the simpler the strategy, the more consistent it is.But let me get to the last step of Nate’s TPS strategy.
This is by far the most important part… the “secret sauce,” so to speak.
Because this is the “catalyst” that tells Nate that the stock has “rested” enough…And is ready for another breakout.It’s called…The squeeze.
See these red dots?
S: The SQUEEZE – look for the red dots!

What’s happening here is volatility is contracting – or “squeezing” – and building momentum for the next big move.
Think of this like a slingshot.
As volatility pulls back, that means the buying activity on Wall Street is about to slingshot higher.
And that is the moment you want to make your trade.
So it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.
The trend goes up from left to right.
A pattern forms and shows that the stock is at a great buying level.
You look for the red dots that indicate the squeeze is on.
And for Tesla… you can see what happens here.
Nate made 493% gain in just five days!

That’s right…
A 6X gain on that one trade!
And that was just the average gain for that trade.
Nate let his profits run for part of it… which means his max gains were as much as 1,300% on a portion of that one trade.
All thanks to this simple, “1, 2, 3” TPS system.
The Squeeze Works Like a Slingshot!
You can see it here in the chart.
Once the red dots pop up… then you know it’s time to buy.

Again, it’s like pulling back on a slingshot…
You can only pull it back so far before the built-up energy has to shoot out again.
And when it does…
The probability of a massive surge goes way up… and that gives us a huge advantage in the markets.
And that’s the key to Nate Bears TPS system…
Nate Bear is showing you how to put them together – in a unique way… one that you won’t find anywhere else.
It’s not JUST the trend…
It’s not JUST the pattern…
And it’s not JUST the squeeze.
You need to have them all working together.
And when you do…
It can be INCREDIBLY profitable.
***Nate Bear Profit Surge Trader: AMAZING SERVICE!***
I also LOVE Nates Profit Surge Trader which is his much less intense weekly trade alerts service! It’s like Daily Profits Live but only ONCE a week on the Monday.
Many people start with the Profit Surge Trader service because its less costly and a great introduction to Nate’s trading style. You get 2-3 amazingly profitable trades per week.
Daily Profits Live Review: YOU Get an Edge in the markets with TPS.
If you want to follow Nates journey…..he has started over and wants to invite others to join him on the journey…See his every move…Watch his every trade…And get all the details in REAL TIME in case you want to make the trade for yourself!
Nate has been livestreaming every move as he sprints to build another million-dollar portfolio.It’s called Daily Profits Live.

And for the first time ever… you’ll be able to watch his every move in this Million-Dollar Challenge.
Nate’s looking to turn $37K into ANOTHER million-dollar portfolio… right before your eyes… 100% live.
Plus… if the setup seems right for you, you can join Nate in ANY trade he makes…
He gives you ALL the details for every trade.
Daily Profits Live Review: What Do You Get?
With Daily Profits Live, you get roughly two to seven options trades per day. We are usually buying calls on stocks like AMZN or NVDA.
But don’t expect to participate in all of them. You want to trade at your own pace.
Do it in a way that fits comfortably with your life.
As long as you are discovering how to increase your wealth day after day…That’s all that really matters.Get into as many or as few trades as your lifestyle… your schedule… and your own financial goals allow.
You’ll be able to see Nate trade every single day… LIVE…
See all of his charts…
And chat with other members and the moderators.

It’s truly one of a kind.
What It’s Like to Join Nate for Daily Profits Live
Nate will be live on screen at these times…

Monday through Friday… 10 a.m. and 1 p.m…. except Tuesdays, when I’ll be live at 3 p.m.
But… this is important…Don’t feel like you have to join Nate for every session.
In his livestream sessions…
Nate shows you any trade setups he see’s each day…
He also lets you know his plan for exiting… including his profit targets… and where his stop losses will be.
Nate’s ALWAYS monitoring the trades – all day… every day.
Even if he’s not live on camera, you can log in and chat with other members.
Nate Bear Daily Profits Live: Training
Nate Bear put together a training series so you have all the tools needed to succeed.
He created these tutorials to train you even more in his TPS system:

- How to Spot the Trend
- Identifying the Pattern Showing Price Consolidation
- “The Squeeze” and Breakout Trades.
Plus a couple other videos…

- How to Pick the Right Options
- Navigating the Daily Profits Live Platform.
And he is also including a special report:

- “Daily Profits Live Common Trading Techniques and Unique Terms.”
These are meant to help get you up to speed as fast as possible.
Don’t worry if you’ve never traded options before… or if you are a little nervous to get started.
The beauty of watching Nate Bear live is he can walk you through everything.
***Nate Bear Profit Surge Trader: AMAZING SERVICE!***
I also LOVE Nates Profit Surge Trader which is his much less intense weekly trade alerts service! It’s like Daily Profits Live but only ONCE a week on the Monday.
Many people start with the Profit Surge Trader service because its less costly and a great introduction to Nate’s trading style. You get 2-3 amazingly profitable trades per week.
And there is no need to trade right away. Practice first on paper. See how it would go if you were using real money.
Gain confidence before you dive in.
And if you have any concerns about trading options, Nate Bear’s tutorial How to Pick the Right Options will get you up to speed.

And the library of trainings will keep growing…Because if there are questions or topics people seem to have problems with…Nate always creates a new training session.
Nate Bear Adapting to The Market: More Advanced Options Trades (4/1/24)
Here is a video I did as I watched Nate adapt to the sell-off during late March/early April. I like to see seasoned traders adapt to the market and Nate has not disappointed me!
Nate Bear Daily Profits Live: How Much Does it Cost?
But… if you are reading this right now… you have the chance to be among the first Charter Members of this brand-new endeavor.
>>Click HERE to get the Nates DPL for just $1,997!<<
Here’s everything you’ll get when you join Nate Bear today with a one-year subscription to Daily Profits Live:
- Access to Nate Bears livestreams every day (so you can look over his shoulder for every trade he makes)
- Alerts whenever Nate Bear makes trades or update positions
- Live trainings held throughout the year
Videos breaking down Nate Bears TPS system…
- How to Spot the Trend
- Identifying the Pattern Showing Price Consolidation
- “The Squeeze” and Breakout Trades
Other videos like…
- How to Pick the Right Options
- Navigating the Daily Profits Live Platform
Nates special report...
- “Daily Profits Live Common Trading Techniques and Unique Terms”
And Nates bonus training…
- Ten-Bagger Earnings Plays: How to 10X Your Money on Quarterly Report Surprises.

Nate Bear Daily Profits Live Review: Conclusions
Daily Profits Live is a great program for options traders. You can purchase it here for the lowest available price of $1,997.
Nate’s picks are usually winners and he does a great job explaining his reasoning behind how he manages the trades.
However, there are so many picks you will likely have to either be very selective with your trades that he alerts or be a full-time trader. The trades can be both swing and day trades.
I actually prefer Nate Bears Profit Surge Trader service that I reviewed in detail (with my track record) here.
Overall, Nate Bear is fantastic and both Nate Bear Daily Profits Live AND Nate Bear Profit Surge Trader are GREAT services.
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