The TradingPub Alerts Services (THE BEST!)
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Here are some of my favorite TradingPub alerts services!
This is a company owned by Roger Scott and partners and it’s one of my favorite trading publications out there!
Some of the services are priced higher than average but that is just because the results are BETTER than most services!
Here is a list of the TradingPub services that I have reviewed (I have put links to my full reviews with each service along with links to learn more and/or purchase).
Let’s get started….
- Roger Scott Stealth Surge Alerts. Simply one of the best services out there. At the time of writing, Roger has won 24 trades in a row. He is LEGALLY front-running hedgefunds that tend to invest in these seasonality windows. It’s crazy data mining techniques rather than technical analysis and it WORKS. Check out my full Stealth Surge Alerts review here. You won’t regret it.
- Roger Scott A-Line. Currently at 22 wins in a row with options trades (both this service and the previous one have alerts on both the underlying stock AND the best options contracts). A-line is amazing and both Roger’s services can be used with a small account if needed. This service is TECHNICAL ANALYSIS based and it works insanely well. Read my full Roger Scott A-Line review here for lots of real results etc.
- Kane Shieh Gamma Pockets. I love Kane Shieh’s Gamma Pocket Payouts service. His strategy seems to work extremely well and the explanation for the trades are excellent and convincing. I believe this system is profitable over the longer term and there is no doubt that Kane has the credibility required. Check out this webinar here for more details on Kane’s Gamma Pocket Payouts. Here is my FULL REVIEW of Gamma Pockets.
- Lance Ippilito Perfect TSLA Trader. Lance Ippolito Perfect Tesla Trader is EXCELLENT! I love Lance Ippolito Perfect Tesla Trader program. It’s one of the best, simplest and most transparent swing trading alerts service that I’ve been part of. Just trade TSLA once a week with a huge profit factor and win-rate. Here is my FULL REVIEW including track record etc.
- Kane Shieh Weekend Income Trading Club. Want to learn Butterly trades that are simple and passive with a 100% (at time of writing win-rate). This is the program for you! Read my full review here.
The TradingPub Alerts Services (THE BEST!): Conclusions
From Roger Scotts Stealth Surge Trader to Lance Ippilitos Perfect Tesla Trader these are some of the best services out there by far. Check them out then let me know about the profits you are making!
Good Luck Trading,
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